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What is Pineapple sage Everything you need to know

What is Pineapple sage? Everything you need to know

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What is Pineapple sage?

Pineapple sage, scientifically known as Salvia elegans, is a remarkable and versatile plant that captivates gardeners and nature enthusiasts alike. This botanical gem belongs to the mint family, Lamiaceae. It is native to the enchanting edges of pine and oak forests nestled within the Sierra Madre del Sur mountains of Mexico and Guatemala.

Introduced as an ornamental garden plant around the year 1870, Pineapple sage has since carved out a special place in horticulture. It is celebrated for its captivating foliage, vibrant late-season blooms, and culinary and decorative potential.

In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the world of Pineapple sage. We’ll examine its distinctive characteristics, growth habits, and native habitat. We’ll also discover the fascinating interplay between its striking scarlet-red flowers and the hummingbirds it attracts. Additionally, we’ll explore its unique sensitivity to daylight length. Furthermore, we will unravel the intriguing world of Pineapple sage cultivars, each offering its own twist on this remarkable plant.

From propagation techniques to practical gardening advice and culinary uses, this journey will provide a thorough understanding of what makes Pineapple sage a cherished addition to gardens and a source of delight for all who encounter it.

What is Pineapple sage Everything you need to know
Pineapple sage, scientifically known as Salvia elegans

Botanical Characteristics

Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans) boasts a set of distinctive botanical features that make it both visually captivating and biologically intriguing.

Growth Habits

  • Pineapple sage is a semi-woody to herbaceous perennial subshrub, known for its elegant yet hardy disposition. It produces an open-branched clump of square stems that rise erectly from the soil. These stems are square in shape, a characteristic commonly found in the mint family (Lamiaceae), to which it belongs.

Foliage and Leaves

  • One of the defining features of Pineapple sage is its striking foliage. The leaves are ovate and typically measure 2 to 4 inches in length. They are characterized by serrated edges, adding an element of texture to the plant’s appearance. Notably, both sides of the leaves are covered with short, fine hairs, giving them a softly fuzzy appearance, which adds to their visual allure.

Size and Growth Conditions

  • Depending on its environment, Pineapple sage can grow to varying sizes. In optimal conditions, it can reach impressive heights of up to 5 feet and span approximately 3 feet in width. However, cultivated varieties are often more compact, making them well-suited for smaller garden spaces. The plant is hardy in zones 8 to 11 but is commonly treated as an annual in cooler climates. It’s sensitive to frost and will die back to the ground after a hard frost. However, in mild climates, it can make a return in the following spring.

Seasonal Changes

  • Pineapple sage exhibits seasonal transformations. In cooler climates, the plant dies back to the ground after a frost, but in warmer regions, it remains vibrant throughout the year.

These distinctive botanical characteristics contribute to the allure of this aromatic sage in both garden settings and natural habitats, making it a unique and appealing addition to any landscape.

a semi-woody to herbaceous perennial subshrub
Pineapple sage is a semi-woody to herbaceous perennial subshrub

Native Habitat and Introduction

Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans) has its roots firmly planted in the breathtaking landscapes of Mexico and Guatemala, specifically along the edges of pine and oak forests in the Sierra Madre del Sur mountains.

Native Habitat

  • This perennial subshrub is native to the enchanting and ecologically diverse ecosystem of the Sierra Madre del Sur. Nestled amidst these towering forests, Pineapple sage thrives in the unique conditions found in this region. The climate, soil, and elevation of its native habitat contribute to its adaptation and growth patterns.

Introduction as an Ornamental Plant

  • While the plant has ancient origins in its native region, it was introduced to a broader audience as an ornamental garden plant around the year 1870. Its introduction was driven by its captivating beauty and unique characteristics. Gardeners and horticulturists recognized its potential to add vibrancy and visual appeal to gardens around the world. As a result, it began to find its place in gardens far beyond its native range.

Cultivation Beyond Native Range

  • Pineapple sage’s adaptability made it suitable for cultivation in a variety of climates and regions. While it may have been native to the mountains of Mexico and Guatemala, it soon found itself gracing gardens in places with different environmental conditions. Its ability to adapt to these new settings and thrive in diverse regions speaks to the resilience and allure of this plant.

As the plant continues to captivate gardeners and nature enthusiasts worldwide, its journey from its native habitat to gardens around the globe highlights its unique qualities and adaptability, making it a cherished addition to horticultural landscapes far beyond its original home.

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This perennial subshrub is native to the enchanting and ecologically diverse ecosystem of the Sierra Madre del Sur
This perennial subshrub is native to the enchanting and ecologically diverse ecosystem of the Sierra Madre del Sur

Blooming and Floral Characteristics

One of the most captivating aspects of Pineapple sage is its distinctive blooming patterns and the characteristics of its scarlet-red flowers.

Late-Season Blooming

  • This perennial subshrub is renowned for its late-season blooming, which occurs after many other plants have concluded their flowering periods. This unique timing adds a burst of color and vitality to gardens when they need it most, often in late summer and early fall. The sight of Pineapple sage in full bloom is a delightful contrast to the changing seasons.

What is late-season blooming?

“Late-season blooming” refers to the phenomenon where a plant produces flowers later in the growing season, typically after the majority of other plants have completed their flowering. Late-season blooming plants tend to produce blossoms in late summer or early autumn, extending the period of time during which a garden or natural area is adorned with colorful and vibrant flowers. This can be especially valuable for pollinators like bees and butterflies, as it provides them with a food source when fewer flowers are available. Late-season blooming can also add visual interest and beauty to gardens as the seasons transition towards fall.

Attraction to Hummingbirds

  • The vibrant scarlet-red flowers of Pineapple sage have a special appeal to hummingbirds. These birds are drawn to the tubular shape and bright color of the blossoms, making the plant a valuable addition to gardens designed to attract pollinators. However, it’s worth noting that in some regions, this aromatic sage may start blooming after ruby-throated hummingbirds have already begun their migration to Central America for the winter.

Sensitivity to Daylight Length

  • Pineapple sage is classified as a “short day flowering” plant, meaning that its blooming patterns are influenced by the length of daylight hours. In regions where artificial lights, such as streetlights, extend the length of the day during the fall, the plant may not bloom as expected. Understanding this sensitivity to daylight can help gardeners manage the plant’s blooming cycle more effectively.

Floral Structure

  • The flowers of Pineapple sage are tubular and scarlet-red in color. They are produced in whorls with typically four blossoms at each node along the terminal inflorescences. These flowers open sequentially up the flower spike, creating an elegant visual display. Each individual flower measures approximately 1 to 2 inches in length and possesses a distinctive structure with a hood-like upper lip and a spreading lower lip, a characteristic typical of the Salvia genus.

Seeds and Ripening

  • After the flowering stage, the plant produces small, dark-colored, football-shaped seeds. These seeds have the unique characteristic of falling out of the calyx within a few days of fully ripening. This natural dispersal mechanism allows the plant to reproduce and propagate in its native and cultivated environments.

Pineapple sage’s blooming and floral characteristics make it not only a visual delight but also a valuable addition to gardens that aim to support pollinators and extend the flowering season into late summer and early autumn. Understanding its unique blooming patterns and floral structure can help gardeners appreciate and cultivate this remarkable plant effectively.

This perennial subshrub is renowned for its late-season blooming
This perennial subshrub is renowned for its late-season blooming

Pests and Susceptibility

Pineapple sage is generally a hardy and resilient plant when it comes to pests, especially when grown outdoors. However, there are certain vulnerabilities to be aware of, particularly when cultivated in specific environments.

Outdoor Pests

In outdoor garden settings, the plant is known for its relatively low susceptibility to common pests. It is not a preferred target for most garden pests, making it a relatively hassle-free addition to gardens. Gardeners often find that it can coexist harmoniously with other plants without the need for extensive pest management.

Greenhouse Susceptibility

While Pineapple sage thrives outdoors with minimal pest issues, it can become more susceptible to certain pests when grown in greenhouses or indoor settings. The controlled environment of a greenhouse can create conditions conducive to specific pests, including aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. These pests may be more challenging to manage in a controlled indoor environment.

  • Aphids: Aphids are small, sap-sucking insects that can infest the foliage of Pineapple sage. They feed on plant juices and can potentially weaken the plant if left unchecked.
  • Mealybugs: Mealybugs are another common greenhouse pest that may target the plant. They are known for their waxy, white appearance and can cause damage by feeding on plant tissues.
  • Spider Mites: Spider mites are tiny arachnids that can infest the undersides of Pineapple sage leaves. They feed on plant cells, which can result in yellowing leaves and a weakened plant.

Preventive Measures

  • To mitigate potential pest issues, especially in greenhouse or indoor settings, gardeners can implement preventive measures such as regular inspections, good sanitation practices, and the use of natural predators like ladybugs or releasing beneficial insects like parasitic wasps that can help control aphids and mealybugs.
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Cultural Practices

  • Additionally, maintaining proper cultural practices, including providing adequate airflow and avoiding overwatering, can create less favorable conditions for pests to thrive.

Understanding the specific vulnerabilities of Pineapple sage and the potential for pest issues in different environments allows gardeners to take appropriate measures to maintain the health and vitality of this beloved plant.

What is Pineapple sage Everything you need to know
the plant is known for its relatively low susceptibility to common pests

Cultivars of Pineapple Sage

This perennial subshrub offers a fascinating array of cultivars, each with its own unique characteristics, colors, and growth habits. These cultivars provide an exciting diversity of options for gardeners seeking to add a touch of Pineapple sage’s charm to their landscapes.

  • ‘Frieda Dixon’
    • Distinctive Feature: Salmon-pink flowers.
    • Description: This cultivar stands out with its flowers in a beautiful shade of salmon-pink, a departure from the typical scarlet-red blooms of Pineapple sage.
  • ‘Golden Delicious’
    • Distinctive Feature: Bright chartreuse leaves.
    • Description: A natural variant discovered in 2001 and patented in 2007 (PP 17977), ‘Golden Delicious’ is known for its vibrant, almost luminous, chartreuse-colored leaves. It grows to a height of 1 to 3 feet and features bright red flowers, creating a striking contrast between foliage and blossoms.
  • ‘Honey Melon’
    • Distinctive Feature: Earlier summer blooms on a smaller plant.
    • Description: ‘Honey Melon’ is well-suited for northern gardeners who desire earlier flowering plants. It blooms earlier in the summer and typically grows to a more compact size compared to the species, making it an excellent choice for smaller garden spaces.
  • ‘Scarlet Pineapple’
    • Distinctive Feature: More and larger flowers.
    • Description: As its name suggests, ‘Scarlet Pineapple’ is known for producing an abundance of scarlet-red flowers, and these blossoms are typically larger than those of the species. This cultivar also boasts mid-green foliage.
  • ‘Tangerine’
    • Distinctive Feature: More citrus-like scent, smaller leaves, and stature, plus darker red flowers.
    • Description: ‘Tangerine’ offers a unique twist with a scent that leans more toward citrus than pineapple. It features smaller leaves and a more compact overall stature. The flowers are a darker shade of red. Like ‘Honey Melon,’ ‘Tangerine’ tends to bloom earlier than the species.

These cultivars of the plant allow gardeners to explore various colors, scents, and growth patterns, enhancing the versatility and visual appeal of this remarkable plant. Whether you’re drawn to the traditional scarlet-red blooms or intrigued by the chartreuse leaves of ‘Golden Delicious,’ there’s a Pineapple sage cultivar to suit every garden’s unique aesthetic and environmental needs.

Propagation and Growth

Pineapple sage is a versatile and relatively easy-to-propagate plant. Understanding the methods for both propagation and its growth habits is essential for cultivating this delightful herb in your garden.

Propagation Methods

  • Propagation from Seeds:
    • The plant can be grown from seeds, and this method is suitable for starting new plants. Collect seeds from mature Pineapple sage plants by allowing the flowers to mature and produce seeds naturally. Plant the seeds in well-draining soil and keep them consistently moist until germination occurs.
  • Propagation from Tip Cuttings:
    • When to Take Cuttings: The preferred method for propagating Pineapple sage cultivars is through tip cuttings. Take cuttings in the fall or early spring for the best results.
    • Ideal Cutting Material: Choose soft terminal growth with leaves for tip cuttings, as they root more readily than those with flowers, flower buds, or woody stems.
    • Rooting Medium: Place the tip cuttings in a rooting medium, such as potting soil or a mix of perlite and peat moss. They can also root in water.
    • Maintaining Moisture: Keep the cuttings and rooting medium consistently moist while they establish roots.

Growth Habits

  • Size and Space: Pineapple sage can grow impressively tall, reaching heights of up to 5 feet with a width of approximately 3 feet in optimal conditions. However, cultivated varieties often have a more compact growth habit, making them suitable for smaller garden spaces.
  • Seasonal Changes: The plant exhibits seasonal changes. In regions with colder winters, the plant will die back to the ground after a hard frost. In milder climates, it may remain vibrant throughout the year, with leaves and blooms persisting even in winter.
  • Container Gardening: Pineapple sage can also thrive in containers, making it a convenient option for gardeners who prefer potted plants. Container-grown Pineapple sage can be moved indoors during the winter, eliminating the need to dig up and repot plants from the ground.


  • Regularly prune or pinch back Pineapple sage to encourage branching and denser growth. This practice can help maintain a more compact and bushy shape.
  • Remove old, woody shoots when new shoots appear, typically in spring for overwintered plants.

Understanding the various methods of propagation, growth patterns, and maintenance needs of this aromatic sage allows gardeners to successfully cultivate and enjoy this delightful herb in their gardens or containers, adding both beauty and utility to their outdoor spaces.

Culinary and Decorative Uses

Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans) offers a versatile range of applications in the culinary and decorative realms, making it a delightful addition to both gardens and kitchens. Explore the various ways in which this herb can enhance your culinary experiences and add aesthetic charm to your living spaces.

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Culinary Uses

  • Edible Leaves and Flowers:
    • Both the leaves and flowers of Pineapple sage are edible, imparting a subtle, fruity, and mildly tangy flavor with hints of pineapple. These edible parts can be used to enhance a wide range of dishes.
  • Garnish and Salad Ingredient:
    • Fresh Pineapple sage leaves and flowers can be used whole as an attractive garnish for salads, desserts, and other culinary creations. The bright red flowers add a pop of color to dishes.
  • Tea Infusion:
    • The plant sage leaves and flowers can be used to brew a delightful herbal tea. The tea has a pleasant, fruity aroma and flavor, making it a soothing and aromatic beverage.
  • Jellies and Preserves:
    • The unique flavor of the sage makes it a suitable ingredient for homemade jellies and preserves. The infusion of Pineapple sage can add a delightful twist to traditional fruit preserves.

Decorative Uses

  • Ornamental Garden Plant:
    • Pineapple sage is valued not only for its culinary utility but also for its aesthetic appeal. Its vibrant scarlet-red flowers and fuzzy green foliage make it an eye-catching addition to flower beds, borders, and herb gardens.
  • Attracting Pollinators:
    • The bright red flowers of the plant are particularly attractive to pollinators, especially hummingbirds. Planting Pineapple sage in your garden can help create a haven for these beautiful birds and other beneficial insects.
  • Potpourri and Decorative Arrangements:
    • The aromatic leaves and flowers of Pineapple sage can be dried and used in potpourri mixtures or decorative floral arrangements. They add a sweet, fruity scent and a burst of color to your home.
  • Container Gardening:
    • This perennial subshrub is well-suited for container gardening. It can be grown in pots on patios, balconies, or windowsills, serving as both a decorative and functional element in your outdoor or indoor spaces.

Pineapple sage’s dual role as an edible herb and an ornamental plant makes it a valuable asset to gardeners and chefs alike. Whether you’re adding a touch of its unique flavor to your culinary creations or using it to brighten up your living spaces, the plant offers a delightful fusion of taste and aesthetics.

What is Pineapple sage Everything you need to know
The bright red flowers of the plant are particularly attractive to pollinators

The bottom line

  • Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans) is a versatile and appealing plant known for its unique blend of beauty and utility. From its distinctive botanical characteristics to its culinary and decorative uses, the plant has a lot to offer.
  • Pineapple sage’s striking growth habits, vibrant scarlet-red flowers, and attraction to hummingbirds make it a standout in gardens. It’s adaptable to various climates and can be propagated easily from seeds or tip cuttings.
  • In the culinary realm, Pineapple sage’s leaves and flowers impart a pleasant, fruity flavor that can enhance salads, desserts, teas, and preserves. Its decorative value extends to potpourri and floral arrangements.
  • Overall, the plant is a delightful addition to gardens and kitchens, offering a blend of visual appeal and culinary versatility that continues to enchant gardeners, chefs, and nature enthusiasts worldwide.


1. What is Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans)?

  • Pineapple sage is a plant belonging to the mint family (Lamiaceae) known for its unique foliage, vibrant scarlet-red flowers, and a pleasant pineapple-like aroma and flavor. It’s scientifically known as Salvia elegans.

2. Where is Pineapple sage native to?

  • Pineapple sage is native to the Sierra Madre del Sur mountains in Mexico and Guatemala, where it grows on the edges of pine and oak forests.

3. Can Pineapple sage survive in cold climates?

  • Pineapple sage is typically hardy in USDA hardiness zones 8-11. In colder climates, it’s often grown as an annual, and the plant dies back after a hard frost. It can return in the spring in milder regions.

4. How can I propagate Pineapple sage?

  • You can propagate Pineapple sage from seeds or tip cuttings. Soft terminal cuttings with leaves root more readily. Plant seeds in well-draining soil and keep them moist for germination. Tip cuttings can be rooted in soil or water.

5. Is Pineapple sage edible?

  • Yes, both the leaves and flowers of Pineapple sage are edible. They have a mild pineapple-like flavor and can be used as a garnish for salads and desserts. The leaves and flowers can also be used to make tea and are suitable for jellies and preserves.

6. What are some Pineapple sage cultivars?

  • There are several Pineapple sage cultivars, including ‘Golden Delicious’ with chartreuse leaves, ‘Honey Melon’ that blooms earlier, ‘Scarlet Pineapple’ with more and larger flowers, and ‘Tangerine’ with a citrus-like scent, among others.

7. Does Pineapple sage attract hummingbirds?

  • Yes, Pineapple sage’s scarlet-red flowers are attractive to hummingbirds, making it a great choice for gardens designed to attract these pollinators.

8. How can I use Pineapple sage in decorative arrangements?

  • You can dry Pineapple sage leaves and flowers for use in potpourri and decorative floral arrangements. They add a sweet, fruity scent and a burst of color to your home décor.
Author Linh Vu
Linh Vu

“Herbs are the friend of the physician and the pride of cooks.” ~ Charlemagne.