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7 Creative Uses for Pineapple Sage in 2023

7 Creative Uses for Pineapple Sage in 2023

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Pineapple sage offers more than just ornamental beauty in your garden; it boasts significant antioxidant properties and has a well-established role in traditional herbal medicine.

What is Pineapple sage?

Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans) is an aromatic herb known for its pineapple-like fragrance and bright red or orange tubular flowers. It can be used for culinary purposes, adding a fruity, herbaceous flavor to dishes, and is also grown ornamentally for its attractive foliage and its ability to attract pollinators like hummingbirds. This herb prefers well-draining soil and full sun to partial shade.

What is Pineapple sage Everything you need to know
Salvia elegans

Health Benefits of Pineapple Sage

Pineapple Sage, scientifically known as Salvia elegans, has a history of traditional medicinal use, often in the form of infusions or decoctions. It has been traditionally employed to reduce blood pressure and address central nervous system disorders associated with anxiety and insomnia.

Modern scientific research has demonstrated that hydroalcoholic extracts derived from the plant exhibit antihypertensive (blood pressure-lowering), antidepressant, and anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) effects. There is also evidence to suggest potential benefits for cognitive function. Furthermore, this plant is rich in antioxidants and may influence enzymes linked to obesity and diabetes.

What is antihypertensive?

Antihypertensive refers to drugs or treatments that are used to lower high blood pressure, a medical condition known as hypertension. High blood pressure can increase the risk of various cardiovascular problems, including heart attacks, strokes, and kidney disease. Antihypertensive medications work by relaxing blood vessels, reducing the volume of blood, or decreasing the force of the heart’s contractions, all of which help to lower blood pressure and manage hypertension.

What is antioxidants?

Antioxidants are molecules that play a crucial role in protecting our cells from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that can cause oxidative stress, which, in turn, can lead to cell damage and contribute to various health problems, including chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and aging-related conditions.

Antioxidants work by neutralizing free radicals, preventing them from causing harm to our cells and DNA. They help maintain the balance between free radicals and antioxidants in our bodies, known as the oxidative balance.

Common antioxidants include vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A), as well as minerals like selenium and zinc. Additionally, various phytochemicals found in plant-based foods, such as flavonoids and polyphenols, also have antioxidant properties.

Of particular interest is its abundant caffeic acid content, a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound known for its benefits to the skin. Exploring skincare recipes with this plant is a promising endeavor I plan to undertake in the future.

What is caffeic acid?

Caffeic acid is a natural organic compound belonging to the class of compounds known as phenolic acids. It is a type of hydroxycinnamic acid, which is found in various plant-based foods, particularly in fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Caffeic acid is recognized for its potential health benefits, primarily due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It plays a role in protecting cells from oxidative stress and inflammation. It is often included in discussions about the health benefits of consuming foods rich in phenolic compounds, as these compounds are believed to contribute to the protective effects of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables against various chronic diseases.

In addition to its potential health benefits, caffeic acid also contributes to the flavor and aroma of certain foods and beverages. It’s a compound found in coffee and various fruits, giving them their characteristic taste.

What is Pineapple sage Everything you need to know
The plant has a history of traditional medicinal use, often in the form of infusions or decoctions

In addition to its health-related advantages, the plant’s vibrant ruby red flowers serve as a magnet for various bees and pollinators, making it a valuable asset to your garden.

Pineapple sage is typically considered hardy in zones 8 to 11. However, in my local area, which falls under garden zone 7, the plant exhibits a different growth pattern. It tends to have slow growth throughout the summer and then bursts into a profusion of blooms just a few weeks before the arrival of the first frost. In our region, the first frost typically occurs around the middle or end of October.

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This limited timeframe provides only a short window to enjoy the beautiful flowers of pineapple sage. To extend the flowering season by a couple of extra weeks, I take the precaution of draping a heavy blanket over the plant to shield it from the initial light frosts. This protective measure helps preserve the plant’s vibrant display a bit longer.

How does pineapple sage taste?

The taste of this plant is a delightful mix of flavors:

  • Flowers: The flowers bear a resemblance to honeysuckle and offer a sweet nectar that can be enjoyed by pinching off the base of each flower and sucking out a drop. While the nectar is delicious, the flowers themselves have a subtle taste, primarily defined by the sweet nectar.
  • Leaves: Fresh pineapple sage leaves emit a wonderful pineapple-like aroma when crushed, but their taste is more herbaceous and leafy rather than strongly pineapple-flavored. The scent released when you rub the leaves is what instantly brings to mind the idea of pineapple.

Overall, the plant provides a unique sensory experience with its aromatic leaves and sweet nectar-filled flowers, making it a versatile and intriguing herb to use in various creative ways.

7 Creative Uses for Pineapple Sage in 2023

Pineapple Sage Flower Vinegar

This vibrant, jewel-toned pineapple sage flower vinegar serves a variety of purposes and can be created and used in the following ways:

  • Hair Rinse: Dilute with water before use for a refreshing hair rinse.
  • Salad Dressings & Marinades: Replace balsamic or red wine vinegar with this flavorful infusion for unique salad dressings and marinades.
  • Vinegar Bath: Add to your bath for a soothing soak, particularly beneficial for relieving tired, achy muscles.
  • Fruit Dip: Create a delightful fruit dip by mixing 3 tablespoons of vinegar with 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 cup of plain yogurt (adjust honey and vinegar amounts to taste).
  • Chigger Bites: This vinegar can also be a remedy for chigger bites, offering relief from the itchiness they cause.

To craft this pineapple sage flower vinegar:

  • Fill a jar approximately one-third full with fresh flowers.
  • Cover the flowers with apple cider vinegar and seal the jar with a plastic lid (as vinegar can corrode metal lids over time).
  • Place the jar on a shelf or in a cabinet, giving it an occasional shake.
  • After about a week, you should notice the vinegar starting to take on the color and flavor of the flowers.
  • Allow the infusion to continue for approximately 2 to 3 weeks, then strain out the flowers.
  • Store the strained pineapple sage flower vinegar in your refrigerator, where it will remain good for 3 to 4 months.

This homemade elixir offers a burst of flavor and versatility for various culinary and self-care uses.

Pineapple Sage Flower Vinegar
Flower Vinegar

Salad and Drink Garnish

Elevate your culinary presentations with the vibrant and aromatic pineapple sage flowers by using them as a creative garnish in salads and beverages. Here’s how to do it:

For Salads

  • Sprinkle fresh flowers, alongside other edible blooms like borage, calendula, violet, forsythia, and more, over your vegetable or fruit salad. This adds not only a burst of color but also a subtle floral fragrance, enhancing the overall appeal of your dish.

For Drinks

  • Take flowering stems of the plant and tuck them into pineapple-infused drinks or lemonade. The flowers’ visual allure and pineapple-like scent will not only make your beverages visually striking but also impart a refreshing and aromatic twist to the flavors.

Adding pineapple sage flowers as a garnish is a simple yet effective way to infuse creativity, color, and flavor into your culinary creations and beverages.

Salad and Drink Garnish
Salad and Drink Garnish

Edible Flower Ice Cubes

Enhance the visual and gustatory appeal of your beverages with edible flower ice cubes, featuring the vibrant and eye-catching pineapple sage flowers, along with other blooms like borage and calendula. Here’s how to create these delightful ice cubes:

  • Floral Ice Cubes: Add fresh flowers, borage, calendula, and any other edible flowers of your choice into your ice cube trays. Fill the trays with water and freeze. These floral ice cubes not only provide an attractive burst of color but also add a subtle floral essence to your drinks.
  • Fruit-Infused Ice Cubes: For a fruity twist, consider freezing the cubes with pineapple juice or lemonade instead of plain water. When dropped into your beverages, these fruit-infused ice cubes not only add an appealing hue but also infuse your drinks with a delightful fruity taste.

By incorporating pineapple sage flowers into your edible flower ice cubes, you can effortlessly elevate the aesthetics and flavor profile of your favorite beverages, making them visually stunning and refreshingly flavorful.

7 Creative Uses for Pineapple Sage in 2023
Edible Flower Ice Cubes

Pineapple Sage Flower Scrub

Create a delightful and visually appealing scrub using just three simple ingredients: pineapple sage flowers, granulated cane sugar, and your choice of carrier oil (such as sweet almond, rice bran, or sunflower). This scrub offers a gentle and fragrant way to pamper your skin. For detailed instructions on how to make it, please refer to the full article provided.

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Pineapple Sage Flower Scrub
Flower Scrub

Flavored Sugar with Twist

Enhance your culinary creations with the subtle sweetness and aromatic charm of pineapple sage flavored sugar. Here are two methods to infuse your sugar with this delightful flavor:

Method 1: Layered Infusion

  • Begin by layering fresh pineapple sage leaves within a container of sugar. Cover it lightly and allow the leaves to infuse their essence into the sugar over the course of a week or two.
  • After the infusion period, gently sift through the sugar to retrieve the now-dried leaves. You might encounter small clumps of sugar, which can easily be broken apart using a fork or a mini food processor.

Method 2: Blended Fusion

  • In this method, blend the leaves with sugar, following a process similar to the one used for creating pineapple sage sugar scrub (substituting leaves for flowers).
  • Once blended, allow the mixture to air dry overnight. Afterward, grind it again to achieve a smooth texture.
  • This method yields a slightly stronger flavor, though it’s important to note that the vibrant green color of the leaves may gradually fade into a brownish-green hue over time.

These two delightful methods enable you to create pineapple sage flavored sugar that can be sprinkled over toast, added to tea, or used as a unique sweetening ingredient in your culinary adventures. Enjoy the subtle infusion of this sage in your favorite dishes!

Flavored Sugar with Twist
Flavored Sugar with Twist

Stress-Relieving Pineapple Sage Tea

Enjoy the soothing and aromatic goodness of homemade Pineapple Sage Tea, which can provide comfort during moments of stress and anxiety. Crafting this tea is remarkably easy, and here’s how to do it:

  • Begin by picking approximately 1/4 cup of fresh leaves (packed).
  • Bring the leaves indoors and place them in a steeping container.
  • Pour 1 3/4 cups of boiling water over the leaves.
  • Cover the steeping container with a saucer to trap the delightful aromatic vapors.
  • Allow the tea to steep for around 20 minutes or to your desired taste.

For a touch of sweetness, consider adding honey to your Pineapple Sage Tea. Additionally, you can transform it into a refreshing iced tea by cooling it and pouring it over ice cubes—those pretty edible flower ice cubes created earlier would make a lovely addition to your iced tea, enhancing both its visual appeal and flavor. Sip, relax, and savor the unique essence of Pineapple Sage Tea.

Pineapple Sage Tea
Pineapple Sage Tea

Pineapple Sage Melt & Pour Soap Recipe

Create your own Melt & Pour Soap with this easy-to-follow recipe. Pineapple sage leaves infuse the soap base with a beautiful green color and a soothing herbal essence.


  • 1/4 cup fresh pineapple sage leaves
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) water
  • 8 oz (227 g) white soap base, cut into 1″ cubes
  • Optional: 2 grams (about 1/2 tsp) essential oil of your choice
  • Rubbing alcohol, for spritzing


  • Leaf Infusion:
    • Begin by infusing the fresh leaves. Combine the leaves with 1 teaspoon of water and blend them to create a leafy paste.
  • Melt the Soap Base:
    • Melt the 8 ounces of white soap base cubes using a double boiler or a microwave-safe container. Heat and stir until the base is completely melted.
  • Add Pineapple Sage Essence:
    • If desired, incorporate 2 grams (about 1/2 teaspoon) of your chosen essential oil into the melted soap base. Stir well to evenly distribute the fragrance.
  • Leaf Paste Integration:
    • Mix the prepared leaf paste into the melted soap base. Ensure it’s thoroughly blended to achieve an even green color.
  • Pouring the Soap:
    • Carefully pour the infused soap mixture into your preferred soap molds.
  • Spritz with Alcohol:
    • Lightly spritz the soap’s surface with rubbing alcohol to eliminate any potential air bubbles and achieve a smooth finish.
  • Curing:
    • Allow the soap to cool and harden in the molds. Typically, this takes a few hours to overnight.
  • Unmolding:
    • Once the soap has fully cooled and solidified, gently remove it from the molds.
  • Curing Period:
    • Allow the freshly made soap to cure for about 3 weeks. During this time, it will develop a milder green color.

Now, you have your very own Pineapple Sage Melt & Pour Soap with a captivating herbal aroma and soothing green hues. Enjoy your handcrafted soap for a delightful bathing experience.

Pineapple Sage Melt & Pour Soap Recipe
Pineapple Sage Melt & Pour Soap Recipe

Can Pineapple Sage Be Used for Smudging?

Yes, pineapple sage can be used for smudging.

Smudging is a traditional practice of burning herbs to cleanse and purify a space or person. Pineapple sage is a member of the Salvia family, which is known for its cleansing and protective properties. It has a sweet, pineapple-like aroma that many people find pleasant and calming.

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To smudge with pineapple sage, simply light a bundle of dried leaves and let the smoke waft through the space you want to cleanse. You can also carry the bundle with you as you walk around the space, or hold it in your hand as you pray or meditate.

The plant is particularly good for smudging because it is said to:

  • Remove negative energy
  • Promote peace and harmony
  • Purify the air
  • Protect against negativity
  • Boost positive energy
  • Improve intuition and spiritual connection

If you are new to smudging, it is important to be respectful of the practice and to use the herbs with intention. Always be careful when handling fire, and make sure to extinguish the smudge stick completely when you are finished.

Tips for smudging with pineapple sage

  • Open a window or door to allow the smoke to escape.
  • Light the smudge stick and let it burn for a few seconds before blowing out the flame.
  • Waft the smoke through the space you want to cleanse, or carry the bundle with you as you walk around.
  • Pay attention to your intuition and to any feelings or sensations you have while smudging.
  • Once you are finished, extinguish the smudge stick completely and dispose of it safely.

Smudging with pineapple sage can be a powerful way to cleanse and purify your space and yourself. It is a simple yet effective practice that can help you to create a more peaceful and harmonious environment.

pineapple sage can be used for smudging
The plant can be used for smudging

Sage Smudge Store: Your One-Stop Shop for All Things Smudging

If you’re looking for high-quality sage smudge sticks, look no further than Sage Smudge Store.

At Sage Smudge Store, we believe in the power of smudging to cleanse and purify our homes, bodies, and spirits. That’s why we offer a wide variety of high-quality sage smudge sticks, bundles, and accessories, all at affordable prices.

Whether you’re a seasoned smudger or just starting out, we have everything you need to get the most out of your practice. Our knowledgeable staff is always happy to answer your questions and help you choose the right products for your needs.

Shop our selection of sage smudge sticks and bundles today and experience the difference for yourself.

Visit our website today to browse our selection of sage smudge sticks and bundles.

We look forward to helping you on your smudging journey! is an online store that offers a range of high-quality, ethically-sourced sage and smudging supplies is an online store that offers a range of high-quality, ethically-sourced sage and smudging supplies


1. What is Pineapple Sage?

  • Pineapple Sage (Salvia elegans) is a perennial herb known for its vibrant green leaves and sweet, fruity fragrance reminiscent of pineapple. It’s used in various culinary and creative applications.

2. Can I grow Pineapple Sage in my garden?

  • The plant can thrive in gardens within USDA hardiness zones 8 to 11 and can be grown as an annual in cooler climates. It prefers full sun and well-draining soil.

3. How can I use Pineapple Sage for cooking?

  • Pineapple Sage leaves can be used as a culinary herb to flavor dishes like fruit salads, teas, pork, and as an aromatic garnish for beverages.

4. What are some creative ways to use Pineapple Sage in drinks?

  • You can use Pineapple Sage to infuse teas, lemonades, and cocktails for a unique fruity flavor and a pleasant aroma.

5. How can I make Pineapple Sage-flavored sugar?

  • Pineapple Sage-flavored sugar can be made by blending leaves with sugar or by layering leaves in sugar and infusing them over time.

6. What is Pineapple Sage Flower Vinegar used for?

  • Pineapple Sage Flower Vinegar can be used as a hair rinse, salad dressing, marinade, bath soak, fruit dip, or even as a remedy for insect bites.

7. Can I make Pineapple Sage-infused soap?

  • Yes, you can create Pineapple Sage-infused melt and pour soap, which will capture the herb’s aromatic essence and a delightful green color.

8. Is Pineapple Sage suitable for smudging rituals?

  • Yes, it can be used for smudging to promote positive energy and spiritual cleansing due to its sweet and fruity scent.

9. How do I make Pineapple Sage tea?

  • To make Pineapple Sage tea, steep fresh leaves in hot water for around 20 minutes. Sweeten with honey if desired, and it can be enjoyed hot or iced.

10. Can Pineapple Sage be used as a medicinal herb?

  • Pineapple Sage is traditionally believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and has been used in herbal medicine. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for specific medicinal uses.
Author Linh Vu
Linh Vu

“Herbs are the friend of the physician and the pride of cooks.” ~ Charlemagne.