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Exploring the reality of sage burning Its effects and ethical considerations

Exploring the reality of sage burning: Its effects and ethical considerations

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The ancient tradition of sage burning, also known as “smudging“, originated among indigenous cultures, who used it to purify and clear spaces of negative energy.

Fast forward to the present day, where the modern world, with its relentless pressure and constant barrage of anxiety, often seems to overflow with negativity (we’re looking at you, 2023). But can the ancient ritual of smudging serve as a potent antidote to these contemporary stressors?

It is certainly among the many techniques recommended by certain practitioners to promote relaxation, enhance focus, and fight the daily grind. Advocates of these purification rituals believe that the act of burning dry sage can cleanse the environment and foster mindfulness.

But does it actually work? And if so, how does it function? And, are the ethical considerations surrounding sage burning worth pondering? We took a deep breath and prepared to offer some enlightenment on the subject of sage…

The ancient tradition of burning, also known as "smudging", originated among indigenous cultures
The ancient tradition of sage burning, also known as “smudging”, originated among indigenous cultures

So, what exactly is Sage?

What is sage? Sage is a fragrant plant with a rich history in both culinary and medicinal realms. While many Americans associate sage with the stuffing made during festive seasons, this herb’s purpose extends far beyond enhancing your holiday turkey.

Ancient Romans revered sage as a “salvation plant” (salvare, translating to “save” or “cure”), and its medicinal properties have been employed in Egyptian, Roman, and Greek ancient healing practices, thereby making it a true stalwart of herbal medicine.

Despite sage’s deep historical significance, it’s far from obsolete in contemporary medicinal practice.

Current studies suggest that sage possesses potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been the subject of various research endeavors, examining its potential impact on conditions such as depression, dementia, obesity, lupus, heart disease, and cancer, albeit with varying outcomes.

Fragrant plant with a rich history in both culinary and medicinal realms
Sage is a fragrant plant with a rich history in both culinary and medicinal realms

Particularly, dried white sage was integral to Native American cultures as a means of purification, a practice often referred to as “smudging.”

What is smudging? Smudging is a traditional practice commonly used by Native American and other indigenous cultures. It involves the burning of sacred herbs or other plant materials, often bundled into what is known as a smudge stick, to produce smoke which is thought to have purifying, cleansing, and healing properties.

Smudging, an English term, involves burning dried plants or other natural elements and utilizing the resultant smoke for purification purposes. Native American communities each have their unique terminology for this ritual.

Smudging is a ritual where dried plants are burnt over a hot coal, typically placed in a large shell or on the ground. The individual then takes the smoke into their hands and ‘washes’ their entire body with it, starting from the head and moving downwards,” explains Rosalyn LaPier, Ph.D., a renowned Indigenous author and ethnobotanist.

This age-old Native American tradition continues to be widely practiced in modern times. However, as it garners increased attention in mainstream culture, it is crucial to recognize and respect the cultural origins of smudging before embracing it. Consideration should also be given to potential ethical issues in relation to the perceived health advantages.

Smudging is a ritual where dried plants are burnt over a hot coal, typically placed in a large shell or on the ground
Smudging is a ritual where dried plants are burnt over a hot coal, typically placed in a large shell or on the ground

Potential Advantages of Sage Burning

While scientific studies on sage burning are sparse, anecdotal evidence suggests that many people have derived benefits from this practice.

Natural Air Purification

One potential advantage of burning sage is its ability as a natural air cleanser. An earlier study indicated that the use of medicinal smokes, such as sage, led to a substantial decrease in airborne bacteria, up to 94%.

Burning sage, a practice known as smudging, has been employed for centuries by indigenous cultures around the world, predominantly for spiritual purification or cleansing rituals. More recently, however, claims have emerged suggesting that this practice might also contribute to air purification in a physical sense.

The process of burning sage, or smudging, releases smoke which is believed to have air purifying properties.

  • Antimicrobial Properties: Some research suggests that sage smoke has antimicrobial properties and can kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other pathogens in the air. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology reported that medicinal smoke from sage and other herbs resulted in a 94% reduction of airborne bacteria when burned in a confined space.
  • Odor Neutralization: The pungent, aromatic smoke from burning sage can neutralize existing odors in the air, acting as a natural deodorizer. This can lead to a cleaner-smelling environment, but the efficacy of this process in removing the underlying causes of the odors is unclear.
  • Aromatherapy Benefits: The scent of burning sage can have a positive impact on mood and stress levels. While this doesn’t equate to physical air purification, it can improve the perceived quality of the environment and promote a sense of well-being.
Read more:  5 Types of Sage for the South: Your Guide to Growing and Using These Fragrant Herbs
Exploring the reality of sage burning Its effects and ethical considerations
One potential advantage of burning sage is its ability as a natural air cleanser

Promoting Mindfulness

Sage burning may assist in cultivating mindfulness. “In essence, bringing more consciousness to your actions, particularly those that engage your senses, can alleviate stress. Smudging is one such activity,” notes Christopher Willard, PsyD, and author of Raising Resilience.

He adds, “Smudging is akin to mindfulness, where we devote our complete sensory attention to our actions. This practice is made easier with a pleasant-smelling activity like smudging.”

Mindful meditation can indeed alter your brain and help manage stress. If sage burning aids in relaxation and a more focused mental state, it’s worth the effort.

A scent alone can often induce relaxation, irrespective of its inherent chemical properties.

Gina Smith Pasqualini, a certified aromatherapist and founder of Good Living is Glam, suggests that even for those skeptical about the science of sage burning, the practice can still have beneficial effects.

“Even if you doubt the notion of energy being cleared through smudging, the aroma alone can ground you. This can lead to clearer thinking, reduced anxiety, and a general sense of calm,” states Pasqualini.

If sage isn’t to your olfactory preference, you could include other fragrances in your smudge stick, such as lavender, rosemary, cedar, rose, thyme, and yerba santa. Many of these have pleasant aromas and are also recognized for their therapeutic properties. For instance, research has shown that lavender can significantly lower stress levels.

What is yerba santa? Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon californicum), also known as “holy herb,” is a plant native to the dry foothills and mountains of California, Nevada, and Oregon in the United States. This evergreen shrub is notable for its leathery, lanceolate leaves and blue or lavender, bell-shaped flowers.

burning may assist in cultivating mindfulness
Sage burning may assist in cultivating mindfulness

Power of Intention

Most of us can relate to the yearning to partake in a peaceful ritual in our own space. According to Pasqualini, this can create a “grounding effect,” aiding in relaxation and focused thinking.

What is a grounding effect?  The term “grounding effect” is commonly used in psychology and mindfulness practices. It refers to the feeling of being fully present, connected, and aware in the moment. The idea is that grounding techniques help bring one’s focus away from stress, anxiety, or traumatic thoughts and towards the physical world. This can help reduce feelings of distress or disconnection by promoting a sense of balance and calm. Techniques for achieving this grounding effect can vary greatly, from focusing on one’s breath or physical sensations to visualizing being connected to the earth.

Willard concurs, “Rituals and routines can introduce order and predictability, helping us calm down. Whether or not you believe in the mystical properties of sage, the ritual itself is likely to reduce stress.”

Regardless of whether your smudging is driven by spiritual beliefs or relaxation, this mindful practice can provide calm and centering.

Nevertheless, there’s no need for rituals and mantras to revolve around culturally sensitive practices. You can create a personal mantra to help you find your center and navigate daily life.

Rituals and routines can introduce order and predictability, helping us calm down
Rituals and routines can introduce order and predictability, helping us calm down

Relaxation and Stress Reduction

  • Aromatherapy: Sage burning or smudging falls into the category of aromatherapy, which involves using the aromatic essences of plants to promote health and well-being. The scent of sage, in particular, is believed to promote a sense of calm and relaxation. The smell of burning sage can help create a peaceful atmosphere in your home or workspace, which can assist in reducing stress and anxiety levels.
  • Mindfulness Practice: Engaging in sage burning can also serve as a form of mindfulness practice. The act of lighting the sage and watching the smoke as it wafts around the room encourages one to be fully present in the moment. This focus on the here and now is a core aspect of mindfulness, which has been shown to reduce stress and promote relaxation.
  • Cleansing Ritual: In many cultures, sage burning is seen as a spiritual ritual to cleanse a person or space of negative energy. Whether or not one subscribes to this belief, the ritualistic nature of the practice can bring a sense of order and routine, which are known to help alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety.
  • Connection with Nature: The use of sage, a plant, for relaxation connects us to nature, even when indoors. This connection can promote a sense of tranquility and peace, assisting in stress reduction.

While the effects of sage burning on stress and relaxation are largely anecdotal and based on individual experiences, many people find the practice beneficial. However, it’s important to use this method responsibly and with respect to its cultural origins. If you’re interested in trying sage burning for relaxation and stress reduction, consider combining it with other relaxation techniques for maximum benefit. As always, consult with a healthcare professional if you’re dealing with persistent or severe stress.

Read more:  The mystical journey of sage smudging: Exploring its origins and practices
Exploring the reality of sage burning Its effects and ethical considerations
The scent of sage, in particular, is believed to promote a sense of calm and relaxation

Purchasing Sage in an Ethical and Respectful Manner

The act of burning sage has more complexities than initially meets the eye.

Before adopting the ritual of sage burning in your home, it’s crucial to recognize its cultural origins. As smudging gains popularity, it introduces a commercial aspect to a long-standing tradition, leading to debates about ethics and cultural appropriation.

In essence, if you’re planning to profit from cultural practices, ensure that the proceeds benefit the originators of the practice and their communities.

However, sage burning does cast a shadow: While present-day trendy herb shops may offer sage wands, indigenous populations have faced severe persecution for burning sage under accusations of “witchcraft.” Moreover, white sage is threatened with potential endangerment and is often harvested illegally.

What is witchcraft? Witchcraft is a term that encompasses a wide range of beliefs, rituals, and practices traditionally associated with the use of supernatural or magical powers. The concept and interpretation of witchcraft vary widely among cultures and societies and across history.

Ensure that the sage you buy is of high quality, ethically, and legally sourced, which may mean sidestepping mass-market retailers. Buying locally from a Native American-owned business, if feasible, is an excellent option. Or you can visit, an online store that offers a range of high-quality, ethically-sourced sage and smudging supplies. 

Exploring the reality of sage burning Its effects and ethical considerations
Ensure that the sage you buy is of high quality, ethically, and legally sourced, which may mean sidestepping mass-market retailers

Remember to respect the tradition. Cultural appropriation is always unacceptable, and as sage burning becomes increasingly mainstream, it’s crucial to honor and participate in the practice responsibly, avoiding careless adoption.

Pasqualini, who was introduced to smudging by her mother from the Dominican Republic where burning herbs for energy clearing is customary, underscores that while the cultural significance of smudging should be respected, everyone can draw benefits from the practice.

What is the Dominican Republic? The Dominican Republic is a country located on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea. It shares the island with Haiti, making Hispaniola one of two Caribbean islands that are split by two countries. The Dominican Republic is to the east, while Haiti is to the west.

Pasqualini explains, “There are various forms of dance or music that originated in different parts of the world. We utilize these creative and sometimes spiritual arts to unite people from diverse cultures. Smudging is similar and should be employed to enhance our collective health.”

Consider your intentions for smudging as well. If your objective is simply relaxation or headache relief, you might want to explore essential oils as an alternative.

Exploring the reality of sage burning Its effects and ethical considerations
The act of burning sage has more complexities than initially meets the eye.

The Process of Burning Sage

If you’re contemplating smudging, Pasqualini advises becoming familiar with the aroma of sage first — it’s distinct from the sage used in culinary settings.

Pasqualini explains, “California white sage, often used in smudge sticks, has a unique scent that’s herbaceous, woodsy, and slightly astringent. It’s not similar to the cooking sage. For beginners or for those using it in a small space, I suggest a smudge stick that’s roughly 3-5 inches long. The smaller size also helps to prevent too much smoke exposure as you learn to use it.”

What is white sage? White sage, scientifically known as Salvia apiana, is a perennial desert shrub native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. This plant is recognized by its tall woody stems, white leaves, and the aromatic fragrance it emits when the leaves are crushed or burned.

Exploring the reality of burning Its effects and ethical considerations
White sage, scientifically known as Salvia apiana

Ready to start the practice? The process is quite similar to burning incense. If you’re accustomed to having pleasing aromas fill your space, you’re off to a good start. Here’s a simple guide to get you going:

  • Ensure you have a heat-proof bowl or abalone shells to hold your smudge stick.
  • When you’re prepared to start, ignite the end of the sage bundle until it begins to produce smoke.
  • Strive to light the sage uniformly. After it has burned for a few seconds, the flame should naturally extinguish. (If it doesn’t, blow it out gently.)
  • Pasqualini suggests that you continuously repeat your intention, akin to a smudging prayer, during the ritual.
  • You can then carry the smoldering sage around your home to cleanse your space (using the bowl to catch any ashes) or carefully wave it around your body at a safe distance. Open windows or doors to allow ventilation and imagine dispelling any negative energy to concentrate your thoughts.

“The components can be either wrapped inside the sage bundle or bundled separately, as in the case of cedar and rosemary,” says Pasqualini. “Alternatively, you can burn loose, dried ingredients in an abalone shell instead of a wrapped bundle.”

As with any activity involving fire or smoke, never leave a burning sage smudge stick unattended. Safety should always be the top priority. A fire incident would certainly negate the relaxing benefits of a smudge stick.

Read more:  The Four Elements of Smudging

If you prefer to avoid dealing with open flames for relaxation, consider using essential oils as an alternative.

Exploring the reality of burning Its effects and ethical considerations
The process is quite similar to burning incense

Creating Your Own Sage Smudge Stick

If you can’t locate a local, Native American-owned business from which to purchase your smudge stick — but believe you’d truly benefit from it — consider assembling your own.

  • Collect Materials: Your supplies should include white sage, string, scissors, and any other desired aromatics such as dried lavender, cedar, or rose.
  • Construct Your: Bundle Start by layering your herbs, using the largest as the base. Feel free to arrange them in any way that pleases you. There’s no correct or incorrect method!
  • Bind with Cotton Twine or String: Begin in the middle and wrap the string towards the top of the bundle, then back down to the base. Ensure the string crisscrosses tightly around the herbs, but avoid applying so much pressure that you crush the bundle. Trim off any excess string.
  • Dry It Out: Hang the bundle upside down in a place that’s cool and dry for at least a week.
  • Time to Smudge! Ignite one end of the bundle over a heat-resistant bowl or abalone shell. Allow it to burn for several seconds before extinguishing the flame. Formulate an intention and utilize the smoking sage stick to purify your space while practicing mindfulness.
Exploring the reality of burning Its effects and ethical considerations
Creating Your Own Sage Smudge Stick

Where to find the perfect Smudging Sage?

Are you searching for top-quality sage to enhance your smudging rituals? Look no further than! We take immense pride in offering a diverse selection of sage bundles specifically curated to elevate your spiritual practices and create a sacred ambiance.

What is is an online store that offers a range of high-quality, ethically-sourced sage and smudging supplies. Our store is built on a passion for the ancient practice of sage smudging and commits to providing their customers with more than just products.

The Mystical Journey of Smudging Exploring its Origins and Practices (1)
Visit now and begin your smudging journey with confidence and clarity

Why choose

  • Uncompromising Quality: We handpick sage bundles that meet the highest standards of excellence, ensuring that you receive the very best products for your smudging needs. Our commitment to quality ensures an authentic and potent smudging experience.
  • Ethical Sourcing: We deeply respect indigenous traditions and prioritize sustainability. Our sage is responsibly harvested and sourced from trusted suppliers who share our values of cultural sensitivity and environmental stewardship.
  • Extensive Variety: Discover a wide range of sage options on, including White Sage, Desert Sage, Blue Sage, and more. With our diverse selection, you can find the perfect sage that aligns with your intentions and desired energies.
  • Expert Guidance: Our knowledgeable team is passionate about smudging and is here to provide guidance and support. Whether you’re new to smudging or an experienced practitioner, we offer resources and advice to help you make informed choices about your spiritual journey.
  • Secure and Convenient: Enjoy a seamless shopping experience on Our user-friendly website offers secure payment options and efficient delivery, ensuring your sage bundles arrive safely and conveniently to your doorstep.

Take the next step on your spiritual path with! Explore our online store today and discover the transformative power of genuine, high-quality sage for your smudging rituals. Elevate your space, cleanse your energy, and manifest positive intentions like never before.

Join our community of smudging enthusiasts and experience the profound benefits of authentic sage for smudging. Visit now and begin your smudging journey with confidence and clarity.

In Summary

Though scientific evidence regarding sage burning remains sparse, its longstanding cultural use as a tool for enhancing well-being and promoting mental clarity is well-recorded.

For those searching for methods to improve wellness or simply disconnect from the pressures of modern life, ancient practices such as sage smudging offer a unique path to explore. This return to traditional ways of life, before the advent of technology, industrialization, and pollution, can often prove beneficial.

If you choose to engage in sage smudging, always bear in mind its rich cultural heritage. If it doesn’t resonate with you, remember there are countless other natural strategies available for relaxation and resetting.

Author Linh Vu
Linh Vu

“Herbs are the friend of the physician and the pride of cooks.” ~ Charlemagne.