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A Comprehensive Guide to Sage Varieties for Smudging (1)

A comprehensive guide to sage varieties for smudging

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide where we journey through the diverse world of sage, exploring sage varieties used in smudging and understanding the unique benefits each one brings to this ancient cleansing ritual.

In many cultures worldwide, smudging — the practice of burning specific plants and allowing their smoke to cleanse the atmosphere — is a revered tradition. Although it may initially appear simple, this ritual involves a deep understanding of the plants used and the energies they carry.

Among the diverse flora utilized for smudging, sage, with its distinct aroma and robust cleansing properties, is one of the most popular.

But did you know that there are various types of sage, each with unique characteristics? Let’s explore sage varieties to appreciate the full spectrum of their attributes and potential benefits.

White Sage (Salvia Apiana)

What is White Sage? White Sage, scientifically known as Salvia Apiana, is a perennial, evergreen shrub that is indigenous to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. This plant, revered in various cultures for its spiritual significance and powerful cleansing properties, is a mainstay in many traditional rituals, especially those associated with smudging.


White sage is noted for its striking physical characteristics. It typically grows up to five feet tall and has a sprawling nature, which often leads it to cover large areas. Its name is derived from its silvery, white leaves that are covered in fine hairs, giving them an almost frosted appearance. These leaves are long and slender, and they cluster around the stems of the plant.

During the late spring or early summer, white sage produces tall stalks with beautiful white or lavender flowers that attract a variety of pollinators, contributing to local biodiversity. Its aroma is robust and resinous, with a sweet yet earthy scent that becomes even more potent when the leaves are burned.

Cultural and Spiritual Significance

Salvia Apiana holds a prominent place in Native American spiritual practices. In these cultures, it is considered a sacred plant, used in ceremonies and rituals to cleanse and purify people, objects, and places. This practice, often referred to as smudging, involves burning sage bundles and allowing the smoke to wash over the person or object being cleansed. The belief is that the smoke carries away negative energy, restoring balance and peace.

White sage is also believed to have protective properties. For many, burning white sage can create a spiritual shield that wards off negativity and influences that disturb harmony and balance.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Sage Varieties for Smudging (1)
Sage Varieties: White Sage, scientifically known as Salvia Apiana

Blue Sage (Salvia Azurea)

What is Blue Sage? Blue Sage, or Salvia Azurea, also known as Grandmother Sage, is an aromatic plant native to the plains, prairies, and meadows of North America. This striking perennial herb is known for its calming, soothing aroma and is often used in smudging rituals and healing practices.


Salvia Azurea, known for its hardy nature and vibrant aesthetics, is an herbaceous perennial that stands out in its natural environment. This plant can reach up to 3 to 6 feet in height and displays lance-shaped leaves that grow alternately along the stem.

Perhaps its most distinctive feature is the clusters of radiant blue flowers that bloom from late summer to fall. These blossoms not only add a splash of color to the landscape but also attract a wide array of pollinators, including bees and butterflies, contributing significantly to biodiversity.

The scent of Blue Sage is less intense than its well-known cousin, White Sage, and is often described as sweet and somewhat calming. When burned for smudging, Blue Sage releases a soothing aroma that is comforting to many.

Cultural and Spiritual Significance

In Native American traditions and other spiritual practices, Blue Sage holds a revered place. It is frequently used in smudging ceremonies, where its smoke is used to cleanse and purify spaces and individuals. Known for its calming properties, Blue Sage is often employed in rituals aimed at healing and tranquility.

While it’s believed to have similar cleansing abilities to White Sage, Blue Sage is considered gentler, making it a suitable option for individuals new to smudging or those who are sensitive to more potent aromas. It is also known to invite positive energy and encourage calm, peaceful environments.

Salvia Azurea, also known as Grandmother Sage
Sage Varieties: Blue Sage, or Salvia Azurea, also known as Grandmother Sage

Desert Sage (Artemisia Tridentata)

What is Desert Sage? Desert Sage, scientifically known as Artemisia Tridentata, is a sturdy and resilient plant native to the arid regions of western North America. Its tenacious nature, earthy aroma, and unique spiritual properties make it a significant component in many traditional rituals, particularly in smudging practices.


Often found thriving in harsh, desert conditions, Desert Sage is a hardy shrub, usually growing up to 2 to 7 feet tall. It is easily recognizable by its silvery-grey foliage and small, yellow flowers that bloom in late summer or early fall. This plant’s resilience and adaptability to withstand extreme weather conditions and poor soil quality are a testament to its enduring spirit, mirroring the nature of the landscapes it calls home.

When burned, the herbal releases a warm, aromatic scent that many describe as earthy and grounding. This aroma is known to fill spaces with a sense of calmness and serenity.

Cultural and Spiritual Significance

Artemisia Tridentata carries significant spiritual significance, particularly in Native American cultures. Often used in smudging ceremonies, the smoke from burning Desert Sage is believed to purify and cleanse negative energies and attract positivity. The spirit of the desert that this plant embodies—resilience, strength, clarity—is thought to be transferred during these rituals.

Read more:  8 surprising facts you might not know about Sage

Moreover, Desert Sage is considered a powerful tool for promoting wisdom and introspection, making it a preferred choice for ceremonies that involve deep meditation and spiritual quests.

Artemisia Tridentata
Sage Varieties: Desert Sage, scientifically known as Artemisia Tridentata

Black Sage (Salvia Mellifera)

What is Black Sage? Black Sage, also known by its scientific name, Salvia Mellifera, or as Honey Sage, is a compelling plant native to the coastal regions of California. This sage variant, known for its unique association with dreams and visions, holds significant spiritual value and is often used in smudging practices.


Black Sage is a perennial shrub that usually grows between 3 to 5 feet tall. It is characterized by its dark green leaves, which when crushed, exude a strong, sweet, mint-like aroma. During the late spring, it produces clusters of small, white-to-light purple flowers, which are a rich source of nectar and hence, highly attractive to bees and hummingbirds.

The scent of Black Sage when burned is less intense compared to the White Sage, offering a milder and somewhat sweeter fragrance, appealing to those who prefer less potent aromas in their smudging rituals.

Cultural and Spiritual Significance

In spiritual and cultural contexts, Black Sage is known for its unique association with dream states and introspection. It’s often used in rituals intended to enhance intuition, stimulate dreams, and facilitate visions, making it an excellent choice for spiritual exploration, meditation, and practices related to self-discovery.

Like other types of sage, it is used in smudging practices for its cleansing and purifying properties, with the intent of clearing negative energies and promoting peace and harmony.

A Comprehensive Guide
Sage Varieties: Black Sage, also known by its scientific name, Salvia Mellifera, or as Honey Sage

Garden Sage (Salvia Officinalis)

What is Garden Sage? Garden Sage, scientifically known as Salvia Officinalis and often referred to as Common Sage or Culinary Sage, is a versatile plant known for its culinary, medicinal, and spiritual uses. While less commonly associated with smudging compared to its counterparts, Garden Sage still holds significant value in various practices.


Garden Sage is a perennial, evergreen subshrub, typically growing about 2 feet high. Its grey-green leaves are oblong and feature a pebbled texture. In the late spring or early summer, the plant produces purple or blue flowers that attract a variety of pollinators.

Unlike its counterparts used primarily in smudging, Garden Sage emits a softer, more delicate aroma when burned. Its fragrance is often described as savory and slightly peppery, mirroring its culinary usage.

Cultural and Spiritual Significance

Although not as commonly used in smudging ceremonies as White or Desert Sage, Garden Sage has its place in spiritual practices. Some people use it for cleansing and purification rituals, especially within their homes.

Read more:  Top Amazing Facts About Sage That You May Not Know (Part 1)

The significance of Garden Sage extends into ancient cultures. It was revered in Rome, considered a sacred herb of immortality, and was a common feature in medieval gardens, appreciated for its healing properties.

Salvia Officinalis
Sage Varieties: Garden Sage, scientifically known as Salvia Officinalis and often referred to as Common Sage or Culinary Sage

How to burn sage?

What is burning sage? Burning sage, often referred to as “smudging,” is a ritual practice that involves burning sage leaves or bundles and using the smoke to cleanse and purify people, spaces, or objects of negative energy. This practice is believed to help clear out spiritual impurities, promote healing, and foster wisdom.

Burning, often referred to as "smudging,"
Burning sage, often referred to as “smudging,”

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to burn sage correctly:

Materials You’ll Need

  • A sage bundle or loose sage leaves.
  • A fire-resistant bowl (such as an abalone shell or ceramic dish).
  • A lighter or matches.
  • A feather or fan (optional) for directing the smoke.
Materials You'll Need
Materials You’ll Need


  • Preparation: Begin by cleaning up the area physically. Open windows and doors to allow smoke and negative energy to leave easily.
  • Light the Sage: Hold the sage at a 45-degree angle, light the tips of the sage bundle with a match or lighter until it starts to smoke. If a true flame appears, shake the bundle gently or blow until it is just embers and smoke.
  • Set Your Intention: Before you start, take a moment to focus your energy and set your intention for the smudging ceremony. This could be removing negative energy, bringing peace into your space, or providing healing and protection.
  • Smudging: Use your hand or a feather to direct the smoke over your body or in the space you wish to cleanse, starting from the front door and moving in a clockwise direction around the space. Make sure the smoke fills all the corners, behind doors, and around windows. If you’re smudging a person, begin by directing the smoke towards their feet, and work your way up their body.
  • Respect the Process: Respect and gratitude play an essential part in the smudging process. You might wish to express your gratitude towards the sage plant and the greater consciousness for facilitating this cleansing process.
  • Extinguish: After you’ve finished smudging, extinguish the sage by dabbing the lit end into the bowl until the embers are out. Do not leave the burning sage unattended, as it could lead to a fire hazard.
How to burn sage?
How to burn sage?

Remember, the goal is not to fill the room with thick smoke; the smudging is effective as long as the scent of the sage can be spread around the space. Always respect the origins of smudging and consider using responsibly sourced sage for your practices.

Author Linh Vu
Linh Vu

“Herbs are the friend of the physician and the pride of cooks.” ~ Charlemagne.